Volume 11, Issue 22 (3-2022)                   SciJPH 2022, 11(22): 31-43 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

Abstract:   (3531 Views)
If we consider the formation of a national government under the banner of Shiism as the most important achievement of the Safavids during 254 years, then it is not wrong to consider "artistic individuality" and its follower, "artistic self-awareness" as the most amazing achievement of Isfahan school painters. Some art critics and historians, while examining the paintings of the Isfahan school, refer to the "artistic individuality" of these painters, which is an emphasis on their artistic self-awareness. This article, while describing the concept of "artistic self-awareness", also deals with its most important achievements, the most important of which are the acquisition and emergence of an independent identity of the artist. Other effects of self-awareness and artistic individuality of the painters of this period include promoting the works of the author and writing memoirs and autographs of painters of this period such as "Law of Images" and "Assembly of Properties". They pay. But what factors have contributed to the emergence of this artistic self-awareness? This article, while describing the concept of artistic self-awareness, examines the various factors that have contributed to the development of this phenomenon among painters of the Isfahan school. The findings of this study are aimed at examining the results of this self-awareness in some drawings of Isfahan school professors. Painters of this era, while experiencing and consolidating their artistic taste, were not unaware of art markets outside of Iran, such as India and the Ottoman Empire, and sold their works to them. The research method of this article is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is library's.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: جامعه شناسی و هنر

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