Volume 6, Issue 12 (1-2017)                   SciJPH 2017, 6(12): 53-63 | Back to browse issues page

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Eivazi Z, Bagheri • A, Aqababaee E. Graphic design based on the sociology of taste (case study: tissue paper). SciJPH 2017; 6 (12) :53-63
URL: http://ph.aui.ac.ir/article-1-259-en.html
1- , z.eivazi83@gmail.com
Abstract:   (8426 Views)

In contemporary Iranian society through the importance of "self" and "personal responsibility" and the rise of consumer society in life, power of choice has increased. The importance of the community's choice more than anything else is happening in the field of material and consumables and changing the face of Iran's major cities and the increasing attention to the most superficial part of consumption, expresses this problem well. People buy more goods and economic competition between manufacturers has occurred. Thus, the growth in the consumer market competition has grown to attract consumers. . On the other hand the massive growth of various commodities, the graphic design has been very important. At first consumers neither hadn’t have any knowledge about the diversity of style and taste of the manufacturer nor the production of various goods But Since then, due to the formation of a variety of design could quickly use to understand and adapt their consumption based on new requirements. So the graphic design plays an important role in the sale of goods and If the graphic designer is aware of the factors on individual tastes and preferences influence on image visual features aware, consciously and purposefully will be designed to work, and thus will have a better commodities sale of. The present research aim is enplaning the influence of social factors on the tastes and preferences and to determine the effect on the visual characteristics of the selected tissue as a pure taste or common. The method used in this research is survey and the data obtained using a questionnaire among tissue shoppers in the store “Kosar 5”. The results show that there is significant correlation between taste and cultural capital, and religiosity. This means if the cultural capital increases, the taste will be closer to pure taste and if the religiosity increase the taste will be closer to general taste, and also there is significantly relation between the taste and some of the visual features such as contrast of darkness and brightness, size contrast, texture contrast, being flat and the harmony of the colors used in. This means that tissues, which have size, texture contrast or in graphic design have flat surface feature, mostly are selected by people with pure taste, and tissues which have blur clear contrast or one color harmony, mostly are selected by people with general taste. The results help to goods manufacturers, retailers as well as the designers to be targeted, with knowledge of the characteristics of consumers and their taste and then start their design work.

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