Volume 6, Issue 11 (9-2016)                   SciJPH 2016, 6(11): 25-38 | Back to browse issues page

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Bu ali sina
Abstract:   (9888 Views)

Urban art as an effective and valuable tool has an important role in the qualities of public spaces. The existence of artistic elements in an urban space can be a precondition for the presence or absence of citizens in urban spaces. In this context, the aim of this study was to examine the role of urban and public arts with an emphasis on urban graphics in presence and people-oriented factors of public spaces. According to the objectives and nature of this research, the questions are as follow: 1.

What are the characteristics and environmental dimensions of urban graphics to increase the citizen participation in urban areas? (2) What extent is the effect and correlation coefficient of urban graphics tools and factors for the presence of citizens in urban areas? In order to answer the questions, the following methods were used: Descriptive and analytical research method and by means of reviewing documents, images and texts in the context of documents and literature and also the case study method and observational research method in the context of field studies and questionnaire. And also the SPSS and LISREL software were used to analyze and calculate the load factors and the correlation coefficient between criteria and sub-criteria. According to the research results, the conceptual framework of urban graphics can be classified and presented by the approach of increasing in the presence of urban spaces and by the format of four components: form factors (physical factors), social factors, meaning factors, environmental factors and 24 indices and sub-criteria. The findings indicate that the index of waterfront and fountains with time (0.87) in the component of physical factors, index of public art places - galleries with time (0.94) in the component of social factors, cultural values index of place with time (0.87) in the component of meaning factors and the index of urban furniture (artistic) with the time (0.79) have the most influence on their own criteria. Social factors with the times (0.89) more than other measures of Hamedan is in the park.

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